10 kg Cream Purpose | Pastry Oils
Cremaberries, flour cookies, bag biscuits, chocolate sauces etc. is a high quality margarine produced for use in cream and biscuit varieties.
- Produced from vegetable oils. (Soy, Sunflower, Palm oil, etc.)
- Delays stale thanks to its superior formula.
- Extends the shelf life of the products.
- It gains the appreciation of consumers thanks to its neutral taste.
- Quickly swells in the mixer; does not harden and water.
- Easily mixed with other oils.
- Easily absorbs aromas. Milk, cocoa, chocolate
- Creams gain the appreciation of consumers for a long time.
- Biscuits and cookies are to be fresh and crisp, easily disintegrated in the mouth.
- Helps to make white and crisp flour cookies like snow.
- Does not contain cholesterol.
- The minimum oil content in the formula is 99.9%.
Storage Conditions and Packaging Properties
Maintains freshness for 12 months from the date of manufacture.
Storage Conditions: 18-20 ° C.
(Protect from sunlight, odorless, and should be stored in a cool environment.)